Once you decide you need some outside help with your copywriting and marketing content, you quickly find there is no shortage of freelance writers out there. What you really need, though, is a solid writer who also just “gets” you, your mission, and your customers.
Here’s why I’m different from most writers:
I am a veteran educator
With 24 years of experience in a variety of public and private K-12 schools, I’ve worked with multiple districts, administrative styles, and school cultures.
I’ve seen “fads” and trends come and go, and I understand the skepticism teachers and school leaders have for new and innovative tools. I also know what they need in order to overcome those objections.
I’ve served as a technology integrator for the past decade
As a tech “coach” and trainer, I’m skilled at breaking down technical and complex tools and software into easy-to-understand language for teachers and administrators. To do this, I’ve created presentations, print tutorials, and video walkthroughs to meet educators where they are.
I’ve worked with hundreds of teachers to explain the benefits of new tools and software and how best to implement them into their classrooms and buildings.
I am a library media specialist
In my role as a school librarian, I’ve honed my own research skills to near-ninja levels. This is bound to happen when you spend years teaching research and information literacy skills to both students and educators.
As a district library media director, I have often sat at the table where significant financial and curricular decisions (including district-wide purchases and adoptions) are made. In other words, I know what your potential customers are talking about behind closed doors.
I am a wordsmith at heart
I have experience as an English teacher, a journalist, a school newspaper advisor, a speech coach, a copy editor, and a proofreader.
I’ve taught writing to others for many years, and I know how to interview people. I know the rules and how and when and why to break them. And I can produce accurate, tight, and clear copy.
Curious about what kind of projects we could work together on? Here’s what I do.
[thrive_link color=’green’ link=’mailto:cory@corypeppler.com’ target=’_blank’ size=’medium’ align=’center’]I’d love to hear more about your next project[/thrive_link]
[thrive_testimonial name=”Anthony Elliot” company=”Programmer” image=”https://corypeppler.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/anthonyelliott.jpg” color=”dark”]Cory captured ‘me’ more perfectly than I ever could have. He took my boring, informational site and made it truly come alive with my personality.[/thrive_testimonial]